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Блог гімназії "Консул" 86

Долаємо труднощі ЗНО


Кві 12, 2021

Складання ЗНО є важливим етапом у житті випускників і передбачає серйозну підготовку до нього. Працюючи вчителем англійської мови вже більше 20 років, я розумію ті труднощі, з якими стикаються учні, і намагаюся надавати їм всіляку підтримку. Незважаючи на наявність величезної кількості посібників для підготовки до зовнішнього незалежного тестування з англійської мови, учням часто нелегко впоратися з написанням власного висловлення з англійської мови. Крім пояснень стратегій написання власного висловлення, пояснень критеріїв оцінювання, у своїй практиці я завжди приміряю роль учня на себе і виконую ці завдання сама, щоб потім надихнути дітей, зачитуючи їм власні приклади, повести їх у правильному напрямку й підтримати. У даній роботі я хочу представити вашій увазі деякі свої вислови до підручника Get 200 (Book 2) Macmillan Education. Сподіваюся, що це буде мати практичне значення.

Get 200

1. Recently you have taken part in arranging a cultural event in your school. Write a letter to your pen-friend and:

  • Name the event and your responsibilities for its arrangement
  • Relate the course of events and describe the reaction of the audience
  • Ask your friend to share his opinion on a cultural event that he/she has recently attended.

Write a letter of at least 150 words. Do not write your own name, any date, addresses or other personal information.

Dear Mason,

  Sorry for not writing for so long. I hope you’re OK. I wanted to drop you a line and tell you about the cultural event which took place in our school last spring.

It was a flash mob and it was organized in the Assembly Hall. Students from different classes had to take part in the dance competitions in order to win the first prize but the main purpose of this event was to get all students involved in creative and collaborative work. Before the competition we had to put forward any suggestions about our performance. We had to make up our own unique dance, suitable costumes and rehearse the dance lots of times to make our performance successful. To tell the truth, I was reluctant to participate in that event like other boys in my class. I thought it was just a waste oftime. I wished this competition was called off. However, our teacher persuaded us to give it a go. Little by little I realized that it was great fun to create something with my classmates. So, I was one of the participants in this flash mob.

     During this event we got together in the Assembly Hall. There were four teams of students from four different classes. The impatient audience cheered loudly. The presenter greeted us and told us the rules of our competition. We were the first to perform our dance. All my classmates were dressed in fantastic costumes and we were very excited. Our performance had a great success and we became the winners. We were on cloud nine. We also received a standing ovation.

    What about you? Have you ever taken part in your school event? I’d like to know about that. Write back soon.

    Best wishes,



2. Last week you supported your friend during a sports competition. Write an email to another friend and:

  • Explain why you decided to support your friend and where the competition took place
  • Describe the competition and express your opinion about the arrangements of the competition
  • Encourage your friend to take part in a similar sports event.

Write a letter of at least 150 words. Do not write your own name, any date, addresses or other personal information.

Hi Nick,

How are you doing? Sorry for not writing for so long but I had no spare time. Now I’ve got something interesting to tell you about. Last weekend I went to a sports competition, so I’m going to describe it in full detail.

    To tell the truth, I’m not a sports freak and I don’t do any sports on a regular basis. However, my best friend Victor is an athlete and he practises a lot to be up to the mark and take the upper hand in the competition. He had to take part in the local one last Saturday, so I went with Victor to encourage him and show my devotion.

     The competition took place at the huge stadium in the city centre. When we got there, I was impressed by the huge number of people everywhere. By the way, I could hardly find a place to sit. The athletes were dressed in white T-shirts with their personal numbers, red shorts and comfortable trainers. While they were warming up, their coach was explaining something important to them. Then all the athletes took their positions, we heard “Ready, steady, go!” and they rushed ahead. We were on the edge of our seats during this exciting marathon. At last the athletes crossed the finishing line and I was happy to see that my best friend was the winner and he broke the record in that race. The competition was well organized and we left the stadium in a good mood.

   So, why don’t you take part in a similar sports competition? I know you’re good at athletics. Just give it a go! Who knows? You might end up winning the competition too.

   Anyway, that’s all for now. Have a great day!

   Best wishes,



3. You have recently participated in a first aid training course that took place in the local sports centre. You think that the course was very useful. Write a letter to the course organizer and:

  • Explain your high opinion of the course
  • Present the advantages of taking part in such events.

Write a letter of at least 150 words. Do not write your own name, any date, addresses or other personal information.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to you in regards to the first aid training course that I took in your sports centre. I would like to thank you for the help you gave me. All your instructions were very supportive and the course was well-organized. Besides, the skills we acquired in your training course were invaluable.

To my mind, everybody should know how to give first aid help to injured people. It is important to be able to act quickly when you are at the scene of an accident. If you are taught to dress wounds, give mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, test blood pressure, you are bound to help the person in need. And all these things were thoroughly explained in your course.

What is more, we were taught to take into consideration the necessity of staying calm in case of emergency. If people do not know what things the first aid kit must contain, they are likely to be given this information too.

Thank you once again for organizing such a useful course. By teaching people these valuable skills, you help them survive.

Yours faithfully,

Kate Smith


4. You have just returned from a two-week holiday. Write an email to your friend and:

  • Describe the place where you spent your holidays and express your view on the accommodation
  • Say how you coped with difficult weather conditions
  • Inform where you are going to spend your next holiday and explaining your choice.

Write a letter of at least 150 words. Do not write your own name, any date, addresses or other personal information.

Hi Sasha,

Just got back from Nice. It’s an incredible seaside resort situated in France. I was impressed by this wonderful place, thebeauty ofits landscape and historical heritage. We stayed at an amazing hotel just outside the beautiful beach. Our room in the hotel was rather spacious and clean. We had a fantastic view out of our windows. The furniture was quite old but expensive. We had our room cleaned twice a day so we always had our fresh towels and linen. Our chambermaid was very helpful and friendly and she tried not to disturb us when we were in.

    The only unpleasant thing was the weather. It was often rainy and windy, but this fact didn’t stop us from going sightseeing. We took our raincoats and umbrellas with us. All in all, we enjoyed our holiday very much.

     Next year we’re going to try a backpacking holiday. We want to experience something new.

    Well, that’s all for now. Take care and write soon.

    Best wishes,


(p. 17, ex. 4)

5. You have received a letter from your English pen-friend, who writes that he/she is preparing a report on different means of transport in different countries. He/she would like to know:

  • How people get around the city where you live
  • Whether people in your country generally travel by plane or by train
  • Which means of transport you prefer and why.

Write a letter of at least 150 words. Do not write your own name, any date, addresses or other personal information.

Dear Jane,

     I’ve just received your letter. Writing a report on different means of transport takes effort and you need to be accurate. So, I’m ready to give you a hand and tell you everything I know about all means of transport available in my city.

    Regular bus service is provided for our citizens to help them reach all necessary destinations within our city. If we need to travel long distances, we can take a coach. There are some trolleybuses, but they are rather slow and suitable only for pensioners. People, who are in a hurry, have the opportunity to hire a taxi, but it’s much more expensive than the public transport. Fortunately, we have the underground rail network and people have the great opportunity to get to work very quickly. I wish we had morebicycle lanes to avoid traffic jams. I hope they will be built in the near future.

    More and more people in my country travel by plane, especially if they go on a business trip. Citizens who go on a package holiday choose this means of transport too. As for the trains, the majority of Ukrainian people tend to travel this way, because it’s very convenient.

   Personally, I prefer travelling by car, because you can stop whenever you want and you don’t depend on different unpleasant factors.

    Well, that’s all for now. I hope I’ve been of some help.

    Best wishes,


                                                                                           (Get 200. Exam companion, p.5)

6. You have read a blog post in which the author says that modern films for younger people are worthless and boring. You do not agree with this opinion. Write a letter to the author, in which you

  • Explain the aim of your letter and describe what feelings the articles caused in you
  • Express your opinion on the theme
  • Say what film you have watched recently and explainwhy you disagree with the author’s opinion

Write a letter of at least 150 words.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am a 17-year-old school leaver and I am writing with regards to your blog post concerning the quality of modern films and their lack of attractiveness to adolescents.

The author claims that the majority of modern films are neither thought-provoking nor educational. Besides, watching such films is considered to be a waste of time and is not recommended for intellectual development. I find the author’s viewpoint outrageous, because I know a lot of films which are worth watching and even discussing. For example, I have recently watched the film titled «Sweet November». It is a romantic drama film, set in San Francisco and directed by Pat O’Connor. This incredible film has had a lasting effect on me. Having watched it, I realized the importance of enjoying every moment of our precious life and appreciating the slightest possibility of being close to our dearest and nearest. I hope my explanation will not leave you indifferent and you will change your point of view regarding the modern films and their significance for youngsters.

 I look forward to receiving your views on that matter and I hope you will publish my letter.

Yours faithfully,

Patrick Parker

 (Get 200. Exam companion, p.13)

Касьянова Н., учитель англійської мови

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